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Sunday, August 31, 2014


Trying to figure out ways to feed Razor without wasting food that the family needs. Razor is the name Dudu, my 8 year old niece, gave one of the dogs. My host mom just refers to both of them as dog. He is so skinny you can see all of his ribs (Razor is the one curled up in a ball). They don't pet, play with, or show affection for their dogs in any way.  Dudu told me her uncle kicked Razor and that's why he was limping today. Makes me cry! The dogs are very skittish because all they have known is punishment. I slowly have been approaching Razor and recently started petting him, even though he is filthy. He is sooooo happy to see me and actually ran and jumped with me a bit yesterday! I also showed Dudu how to pet him. She said he is soft and I think she liked it.

The next step is to try to teach Dudu how to care for Razor. She has become my shadow and carefully watches everything I do. Dudu is a goofy, smart, independent, funny, beautiful girl who wants to do everything with me and wants everything I have. It's hard for me to believe she is only 8! Yes, she does drive me crazy sometimes with he 8 year old antics!

I'll have to find out if there are flees and ticks around here.


  1. Michelle- this from an author who has worked in the Kalahari
