The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the United States Government or the Peace Corps.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Gods Must Be Crazy!

So, I think I'm depressed. Finally getting decent sleep and my appetite is back with a vengeance, but I'm still a bit numb. After literally weeks of packing, repacking, consolidating and weighing I haven't been able to bring myself to unpack much of anything. I worked tirelessly for days to get the right mix of clothes, toiletries, OMG shoes, tea, chocolate and equally disperse the weight between 2, 50lb, bags only to have the Azerbaijan government cancel our group the day before I was supposed to get on the plane! Thankfully the only purchases I won't be able to use are the power adapters and surge protector. I've been in survival mode the last week and I think the shock is starting to wear off. So much still to figure out while I ride on my own personal roller coaster.

Thank you to Lisa for being so gracious in offering for me to stay at her very comfortable house. She has been my savior. And thanks, AGAIN, to all of my friends and family who have been so supportive. I've been blown away with the support I've received!! 

The Peace Corps has offered me the possibility to go to Botswana and work with a very successful HIV/AIDs program that is supported by the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation and Merck. Health organizations and researchers from all over the world are involved in this program and the goal is "no more new AIDS cases by 2016."

“We are pleased to support such a comprehensive HIV/AIDS intervention program,” said Dr. Gordon Perkin, the first head of global health for the Gates Foundation. “We look forward to working with Merck, our other partners, and the people of Botswana. This well-conceived plan brings together the best of the public and private sectors to demonstrate a sustainable, comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention and care program.” In 2000 Merck launched a $100 million program aimed at getting ARV drugs to anyone who needs them. ARV is anti-retroviral drugs that could prevent AIDS in HIV-infected people. There is also the possibility to work with the many orphans, which are a horrific byproduct of this terrible disease. 

More on the program here

There are still a few hoops to jump through and I don't know when I will be getting my formal invitation, or if I will be cleared medically. The projected departure date is August 9th, but then again... as the Peace Corps states, anything can happen. I need to be prepared for the unknown.

A little trivia... The Gods Must Be Crazy was filmed in Botswana, ironic this is exactly how I'm feeling right now ;)